Cement Evaluation - Isograd


Cement Evaluation Services

Cement placement is an essential component of well construction for guaranteeing mechanical support of the casing, fluid corrosion protection, separation of permeable zones at different pressure regimes to avoid hydraulic communication, and successful plug-and-abandonment operations. Cement bond logs (CBL) and variable density logs (VDL) are two important logging techniques used to examine cement-casing-formation bonds prior to well testing or the execution of a production activity in the well. These logs are also essential throughout the workover process to ensure the well's integrity.

Cement Bond Logging Tools

Cement bond instruments assess the connection between casing and cement applied in the annulus between casing and wellbore. Acoustic sonic and ultrasonic instruments are used to do the measurement.

Segmented Cement Bond Tool (SCBT)

The Segmented Cement Bond Tool (SCBT) evaluates the cement bond quality and integrity to both pipe Walls and formation by delivering cement bond amplitude (CBL) readings via the near receiver (3-ft crystal) and variable density log (VDL) data through the distant receiver (5-ft Crystal). The SCBT tool also generates a cement map through eight segmented receivers, each of which covers a 45° part of the pipe. Available in a variety of sizes to fit casings ranging from 4 1/2" to 20".

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